Friday, July 04, 2008

Diabetes: Underrated, Insidious and Deadly

The New York Times recently published an article on diabetes. The article mentions:
...diabetes is anything but minor. It wreaks havoc on the entire body, affecting everything from hearing and vision to sexual function, mental health and sleep. It is the leading cause of blindness, amputations and kidney failure, and it can triple the risk for heart attack and stroke.
Last night I went to visit my aunt in the ICU of a hospital far from their home. She and my uncle were on the way to the airport to pick up their son when she collapsed, and she has been unconscious ever since. I'm praying that she gets better; it's really difficult to see her there, and my uncle, who is alone by her side.

My aunt has diabetes. Although she is nominally diagnosed with a lung infection, I have no doubt that her condition is related to her diabetes. Please take care of your health; the gift of human life that is given to not just you, but that is shared with your family and friends as well.

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