But today, Sophie told me that she had seen Dean & De Luca there. Originally, going to Breeze for lunch seemed to far, but once she mentioned Dean & De Luca, I had to make a pilgrimage to the renowned New York City purveyor of fine foods. Real salads, not limp leaves of iceberg! A selection of fine salts! Chocolates, including Scharffen-Berger! Quite exciting, indeed.
We had a little soup and mix-and-match salad plate, which at NT$250, is pricey for Taipei but still affordable. I had a cold spaghetti salad with poppy seeds and cherry tomatoes, grilled vegetables, poached fish in a vinegary sauce, and sliced roasted duck and onions along with vegetable soup. For dessert, I bought 3 dried figs. Yummy.
In other food-related news, Michael Pollan exhorts us to "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
To which I think I accomplished quite well at lunch today.