Wednesday, May 28, 2003

It's my last day in the Bay Area. The weather has been really beautiful while I've been here: sunny, but not too hot. I took a leisurely walk around Berkeley yesterday morning and marvelled at all the different storefronts and the variety of foods available in the grocery stores. Quite frankly, I never get that excited in Taiwan's supermarkets. There's just so much more variety in U.S. markets, especially since my tastes run towards environmentally-friendly products and organic foods. There's all manner of prepared foods and baked items. Perhaps living in Taiwan is very good for my waistline...

While in Taiwan, though, I do want to become more familiar with the wet markets. There's a lively outdoor one in my neighborhood, and I've been trying to stop by in the morning on my walk to work to pick up some fresh fruit.

Back to Berkeley, my brother took the family on a tour of the campus today. We viewed the Wailing Wall, so named because it's where my brother (and other students) have a good cry as they view their grades. We also saw the pool where he swims at, and viewed the San Francisco Bay from the Campanile. We ate at Top Dog, where you can choose from a selection of sausages that range from bockwurst to lemon chicken and are served by Libertarians. I eat at Top Dog everytime I come to Berkeley.

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